Protecting Patient Personal Health Information

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Guelph Family Health Team Privacy Notice

The Guelph Family Health Team’s mission is to champion the development and delivery of high-quality collaborative healthcare that informs and assists our patients to make decisions that maximize their wellness potential. As part of our mission, we are committed to promoting privacy and protecting the confidentiality of your health information. This explains your privacy rights and the steps the Guelph Family Health Team takes to protect your Personal health Information in compliance with the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 (PHIPA).

Our Doctors belong to a Family Health Organization, and they are each health information custodians under PHIPA. For the purpose of privacy obligations, the GUelph Family Health Team and our staff are agents of the Doctors and the Family Health Organization. This means we all follow the same rules and work together to protect your privacy.

YOUR HEALTH RECORD: Your health record includes information relevant to your health including your date of birth, health card number, contact information, health history, family health history, record of your visits , the care and support you receive during those visits, results from tests and procedures, and information from other healthcare providers. Your record at our clinic is our property, but the information in your file belongs to you.

You have the right to access your health record in a timely manner. If you request a copy of your record, one will be provided to you at a reasonable cost. If you with to view the original record, one of our staff must be present, and a reasonable fee may be charged for this access. If you need a copy of your health record, please contact our Privacy Officer in writing or ask your Physician or care provider who will explain the process. In extremely rare situations you may be denied access to some or all of your record.

OUR PRACTICES: Uses and Disclosure of your Personal Health Information:
  • Treat and care for you alongside the healthcare Providers that are involved in your case
  • Enable you to participate in our programs and services;
  • Receive payment for your treatment and care
  • Inform funding agencies such as the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term care and Local Health Integration Networks for health system management purposes;

Our collection, use and disclosure (sharing) of your health information are done in accordance with Ontario law.

  • Guide the planning and administration of our services and operations;
  • Conduct quality improvement activities;
  • Ensure we comply with legal and regulatory requirements;
  • Conduct research;
  • Fulfill other purposes permitted or required by law

YOUR RIGHTS: We make every effort to ensure that all of your information is recorded accurately. You may request to access and correct your Personal Health Information or withdraw your consent for the above uses and disclosure by contacting our Privacy Officer. Your withdrawal of consent may be subject to legal exceptions

YOUR CHOICES: You have a right to make choices and control how your health information at Guelph Family Health Team is collected, used. And disclosed, subject to a few exceptions. For most healthcare purposes, your consent to use your health information is implied as a result of your consent to treatment, unless you tell us otherwise. We may also collect, use, and share your health information in order to communicate or consult with other healthcare providers about your care unless you tell us you do not want us to do so.

You have the right to ask that we not share some or all of your healthcare record with Guelph Family Health Tea, staff members or ask us not to share your health record with your external healthcare providers (such as a Specialist). This is known as asking for a “lockbox”. If you would like to know more, ask a member of your healthcare team for a copy of our “Patient Lockbox Information Document: How to Restrict Access to your Health Record”.

There are other Circumstances where we are not allowed to assume we have your consent to share information. For example, we must have your permission to give your health information to people who do not provide you with healthcare, like your insurance company or your employer.

We may also need consent to communicate with any family members or friends with whom you would like us to give more detailed information about your health.

If we ask for your consent, you may choose to say no. If you say yes, you may change your mind at any time. Once you say no - we will not longer share your information unless we have your permission to do so. Your choice to say no may be subject to some restrictions and reasonable notice.


  • We take steps to protect your Personal health Information from theft, loss and unauthorized access, copying, modification, use, disclose, and disposal
  • We conduct audits and complete investigations to monitor and manage our privacy compliance and ensure your Personal Health Information is secure
  •  We take steps to ensure that those who perform services for us protect your privacy and only use your information for the purpose you have consented to


If you would like a copy of our PRivacy Policy, ask anyone on our team for a copy. We encourage you to contact us with any questions or concerns you might have about our privacy practices. 

You can reach one of our Privacy Officers at:
Suite 500-649 Scottsdale Drive, Guelph, Ontario N1G 4T7
Phone: 519-837-4444 | Fax: 519-837-2202
Website:   | Email: Privacy.Officer@guelph

If, after contacting us you feel that your concerns have not been addressed to your satisfaction, you have the right to complain to the Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario.

The Commissioner can be reached at:
Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario
Suite 1400 - 2 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario M4W 1A8
Phone: 1-800-387-0073 | Fax: 1-416-325-919
Website: | Email

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