Requests For Medical Exemption To Covid-19 Vaccinations

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We have had some patients reach out about whether our physicians can provide medical exemptions to the COVID-19 vaccination. Most people can safely get the COVID-19 vaccine.

Our Policy

There are very few approved medical exemptions to COVID-19 vaccination. Medical exemptions will only be considered for the following:

1. Severe allergic reaction or anaphylaxis to a component of a COVID-19 vaccination or to a previous COVID-19 vaccination.
          - The allergy must have been documented and evaluated by an allergist/immunologist and the allergist/immunologist must have determined that you are not able to receive any COVID-19 vaccine

2. Those who are between the ages of 12-17 years old and have a history of Myocarditis unrelated to a COVID-19 vaccination should discuss their circumstances with their healthcare team.
          - You will only qualify for an exemption if a relevant specialist (e.g. cardiologist) determines that you cannot receive any COVID-19 vaccinations.
          - This must be documented by the relevant specialist

Myocarditis or pericarditis following the first dose of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. 
          - This must have been diagnosed and documented by a relevant specialist (e.g. cardiologist)

3. Serious adverse event following a previous COVID-19 vaccination, requiring hospitalization, or resulting in a persistent or significant disability/incapacity.
          - This event must have been medically evaluated and documented by a relevant specialist. The treatment specialist must have determined and documented that you are unable to receive any COVID-19 vaccines. There are very few serious adverse events that would result in a medical exemption to COVID-19 vaccination

4. Actively receiving monoclonal antibody therapy OR convalescent plasma therapy for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19.
          - This is a time limited and temporary exemption that applies only while you are actively receiving therapy

We are following the criteria established by the Ontario Ministry of Health and the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, and are not able to make any exceptions to the criteria listed above.

For more detailed information, we would encourage patients to review the following information here.
If you believe you qualify, given the above, please book an appointment to speak directly with your physician.

Proud Partners of the Guelph Family Health Team.

Arbour Family Medical Centre offers comprehensive health care services for the whole family.

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