Converting Appointment Types

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Please note that scheduling conflicts, travel distance, or a personal preference for virtual visits should not prevent you from scheduling an in-person appointment. We want to emphasize to all patients that providing care solely through remote means is not always feasible, as certain situations require an in-person visit to ensure proper medical care. We elaborate further on the significance of having a local doctor here: "I Have Moved Out Of Guelph."

Can An In-person Time slot Be Changed Into A Virtual Visit?

Converting designated in-person time slots to virtual appointments is not possible. It is crucial that these specific time slots remain accessible for patients who require in-office visits. If you prefer a virtual appointment, please cancel your scheduled in-person visit and book a suitable appointment using the appropriate appointment type. Kindly use your physician's regular booking page to schedule an appointment that suits your needs and preferences.

Can My Virtual Appointment Be Changed To In-person?

Patients are unable to directly convert their virtual visits into in-person appointments. To determine whether your physician is available for an in-person visit on a specific day, you will need to check their schedule. Please visit your physician's booking page to schedule an in-person appointment at your convenience instead, and kindly cancel your virtual visit if necessary.

Proud Partners of the Guelph Family Health Team.

Arbour Family Medical Centre offers comprehensive health care services for the whole family.

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